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The Hodder Bible Commentary: Acts

The Hodder Bible Commentary: Acts



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The book of Acts tells the story of God's unstoppable mission as the good news of the gospel reaches the nations. Acts invites us to become the next generation of witnesses, attesting to the transforming power of the risen Lord.

Martin Salter's commentary shows how we can be confident that wherever we are and whatever we face, the one enthroned in heaven is still at work, through his people, empowered by his Spirit, to transform lives.

About the Hodder Bible Commentary:

The Hodder Bible Commentary is a comprehensive 50-volume Bible commentary series. Doctrinally sensitive and globally aware, its goal is to encourage a deepened knowledge and understanding of Scripture.

Accessible and insightful expository commentary explores the timeless message of the Bible and applies it to the challenges of today's world. Written by a range of authors and supported by consultant editors from around the world, it represents a diversity of church and cultural contexts.

With the full text of the NIV Bible interspersed with the commentary for easy reference, this series is ideal for preaching, teaching and personal study.

Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 9781473694965
Product Code: 10092590
Dimensions: 156 x 240 mm
Weight: 41.000kg
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 432
Release Date: 18.07.2024
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