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Going Deeper With Biblical Hebrew

Going Deeper With Biblical Hebrew

An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax if the Old Testament



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Learning any language is no small task—not least one that sounds as unusual as Hebrew does to most English speakers’ ears. Going Deeper with Biblical Hebrew aims to help Christians read the Hebrew Scriptures. The primary focus of this text is grammar and interpretation. The grammatical descriptions appraise both modern linguistic methods and long-held approaches to the language. Historical, functional, and cognitive linguistic approaches are prominent in the explanations. The conclusions of other linguistic methodologies are beneficial and variously discussed, but ultimately these predilections drive the authors’ assessments.
ISBN: 9781462776733
B&H Publishing Group
Product Code: 10093559
152 x 35 x 229 mm
Weight: 1361.000kg
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 576
Release Date: 01.02.2024
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