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The Blood Revised Edition

The Blood Revised Edition

Experiencing the Power That Brings Salvation, Healing, and Miracles



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The cross is so much more than a story. It’s the most powerful event in all of human history! After reading this book you will have a greater appreciation for what Christ did on the cross for you. You will know the true power and beauty of His love for you as you learn about who He is through the Scriptures and His Holy Spirit. Christians are still trying to find the key to supernatural grace, protection, and mercy. Benny Hinn unlocks the reality of the power of the blood of Jesus in this book, which includes an interactive study guide. Using accounts of healings, salvation, and miraculous deliverances, this revised edition emphasizes biblical concepts and explains how to apply foundational truths about the blood of Jesus to every aspect of life. In this unique, interactive book, readers will: • Discover the importance God places on blood covenants. • Recognize areas of sin where your own flesh is tempted. • Experience the power of the blood of Jesus. • Understand how fearing God does not mean being afraid of Him. • Enter into the Holy Spirit's presence through the blood of His Son.
ISBN: 9781636413556
Charisma House
Product Code: 10094847
Dimensions: 153 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 05.03.2024
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