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7 Feasts

7 Feasts



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This book considers the seven Feasts of Jehovah which are all collated in– Leviticus 23. There are co-relative chapters in Deuteronomy 16 and Numbers 28 and 29. The ʻfeastsʼ are the major religious festivals which punctuated Israelʼs calendar. They still have significant meaning for us today and as we study Godʼs Word, we find treasure for our souls. The seven ʻfeastsʼ exalt the person of Christ and are the key to understanding Godʼs prophetic programme. They are full of Christ. Many have been thrilled to see that the Lord Jesus died on Passover, was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread and rose again on the Feast of First Fruits. It is remarkable that something very special concerning the Lord Jesus can be seen in each feast. There is a genuine spiritual excitement for the believer when we learn that the last three events, on the last three feast days, are still to happen. This prophetic knowledge stimulates us to serve the Lord with greater love and hope.
ISBN: 9781914273469
John Ritchie Ltd
Product Code: 10096489
Dimensions: 137 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 03.11.2023
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