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The Hodder Bible Commentary: Psalms 42-89

The Hodder Bible Commentary: Psalms 42-89


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50 volumes. 4 million words. Global representation. Engage with the latest theological thinking in this new, readable exposition of the Bible in 50 volumes. Covering all books of the Bible and including the full the Anglicised New International Version (NIV) text, the Hodder Bible Commentary series makes connecting scripture and scholarship easier than ever. Explore how the Bible intersects with 21st century life with commentary that is doctrinally sensitive and globally aware, sourced from a team of contributors representing a variety of cultural and ecclesiastical contexts from around the world. Designed to be accessible to all adult readers and particularly for those who preach, teach, and lead Bible studies, each book is split into manageable sections suitable for talks or study groups. Read the Bible text and the commentary side by side to gain a deep knowledge of scripture and the variety of interpretations that can be made from it. Be refreshed with new understanding. Be encouraged to apply your conclusions to life today.
ISBN: 9781529301984
Hodder & Stoughton
Product Code: 10097936
Dimensions: 156 x 240 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 432
Release Date: 14.11.2024
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