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Famous Sayings From The Bible (Individual Pamphlet)

Famous Sayings From The Bible (Individual Pamphlet)

Biblical Quotations in Popular Culture



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Retail price:  £4.50
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The English language is peppered with sayings from the Bible, adding rich layers to classic literature and popular culture. Many people might be surprised to discover that so many common phrases have their origin in the Bible. Famous Sayings from the Bible elaborates on some of the most familiar, describing their biblical context, meaning, and common use. Readers will enjoy learning more about phrases such as:

• By the skin of my teeth • Eye of a needle • For such a time as this • Love your enemies • My cup runneth over • Turn the other cheek

Sample Entries:

Eat, drink, and be merry: An expression from the book of Ecclesiastes (8:15), written by King Solomon. He advises people to seek out and enjoy the good things in life as they carry out their daily responsibilities.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing: An expression taken from Jesus’s warning about false prophets: “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves” (Matt. 7:15 NLT). A wolf in sheep’s clothing is anyone who appears harmless but has wicked motives.

Rose Publishing
ISBN: 9798400502460
Product Code: 10098370
Dimensions: 137 x 213 mm
Binding: Pamphlet
Number of pages: 14
Release Date: 17.09.2024
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