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The Love That Moves The Sun

The Love That Moves The Sun

Advent hope in a time of crisis


Not Yet Published

This is a pre-release item. Expected release date: 30.08.2024
Retail price:  £12.99
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Expected release date: 30.08.2024

The season of Advent traditionally involved meditation upon the ‘Four Last Things’: heaven, hell, death, and judgement, encouraging Christians to evaluate their lives through the prism of endings. In a time of permacrisis - environmental degradation; disinformation and the rise of populism; widening economic inequality and deep racial divisions, The Love That Moves the Sun revives this ancient practice and marries it with contemporary concerns, recovering the hope and belief that all things are moving towards union with God. Contemplating our final ends gives hope and direction in a chaotic world of uncertainty. The first advent began with an angelic messenger announcing the coming of Christ to Mary. The Love That Moves the Sun enables us to hear annunciations in our own time, calling us to the salvation of a groaning creation and the hope of a new earth where justice dwells.
ISBN: 9781786225658
Canterbury Press Norwich
Product Code: 10098453
Dimensions: 135 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 30.08.2024
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