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Average Boy’s Above-Average Summer

Average Boy’s Above-Average Summer


Not Yet Published

This is a pre-release item. Expected release date: 17.09.2024
Retail price:  £11.50
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Expected release date: 17.09.2024

Average Boy is here to make you laugh and encourage you in your faith! The Average Boy series features humorous writing and whimsical illustrations to help readers embrace the idea that life isn’t always about being the smartest, most athletic, or best-looking kid in the neighborhood. Faith, family, and friends are far more valuable than being perceived as cool. What happens when “Average Boy” Bob Smiley gets to the end of an above-average school year? Why, it’s time for an above-average summer, of course! If things go according to plan—and Average Boy always has lots of plans—then this summer will be his best one ever. You see, Average Boy isn’t going to sleep in until noon this summer—at least not every day. No, he has big goals for the next few…


Products » Childrens Books » General
ISBN: 9781646071524
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 10098353
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 17.09.2024
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