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World's Story 1 (Student)

World's Story 1 (Student)

Creation to the Roman Empire



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The World's Story 1: The Ancients (Creation to the Roman Empire is a Charlotte Mason-inspired, Christian-based approach to ancient history.

This full-color text integrates photos, maps, and illustrations that bring alive the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Beginning with creation and the problem of evil, and continuing through Noah's flood (with photos of the Ark Encounter in Kentucky), and through the various civilizations to New Testament Jerusalem, Tarsus and the world of the earliest Christian missionaries, this curriculum integrates a Christian focus and perspective through every chapter. Engaging chapters include "narration breaks" for students to narrate back what they learned in the chapter. Map activities include "analyze" and "connect" exercises.

ISBN: 9781683440772
Producer: Master Books
Product Code: 10096045
UPC: M077-2
Weight: 842.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 299
Release Date: 05.03.2018
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