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Word Before World

Word Before World

100 Devotions to Put Jesus First



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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (KJV) When you think about your life and what you value, what would you put first? When you read God's Word, are you doing so out of duty or out of a desire to delight in your Savior? When all we give Jesus is our leftovers, fear overwhelms our peace and worry clouds our vision. Gretchen Saffles knows what it's like to struggle to put Jesus first daily. During a season of spiritual discouragement, she learned that pursuing God is ultimately not a self-help journey, but rather it's a Spirit-led surrender. This discovery led her to a simple phrase that helped her reframe how she desired to spend her time, start her days, and shape her mindset: Word before World. This three-word statement has become her morning manifesto, her afternoon anthem, and her evening comfort. When she practiced looking first to Jesus, she realized that while God's Word never changes, yet it always changes us.
ISBN: 9781496446350
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 10098269
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 1
Release Date: 17.09.2024
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