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But God Can

But God Can

How to Stop Striving and Live Purposefully and Abundantly



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Tired of trying to be enough? The truth is you were never meant to be, no matter what culture might tell you. Christian women today are bombarded with confusing messaging–they are supposed to do and be it all but also die to themselves. They are supposed to believe that women can do anything and also surrender everything to God. Adding to that pressure, many women feel stuck in their current reality–spinning on the hamster wheel of life. They scroll past images that tell them everyone else has it together and is experiencing a purpose-filled, adventurous, fun, loving, and God-honoring life. Overwhelmed and at a loss, most women go one of two places: defeat or self-help empowerment, even Christian self-help. In Becky Kiser's But God Can, women realize this truth: on their own, she was never meant to be enough―that is the gospel message, that is why Jesus came. But God Can get her unstuck and find a purpose she has never known! She will identify the lies she's internalized, replace those with new truths, and find freedom through realistic, practical, and life-changing strategies.
ISBN: 9781400335756
Producer: Thomas Nelson
Product Code: 10099314
140 x 16 x 213 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 240
Release Date: 23.05.2024
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