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Gospel Reconciliation

Gospel Reconciliation

God’s Marvelous Plan of Salvation



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No more important issue exists than how a person can be made right with God. The answer to that dilemma is the basis for all religions, which may be categorized under one of two headings: the religion of divine accomplishment or the religion of human achievement.

In this rare treatise, beloved Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs shows that there is a breach between man and God and that there is a way provided to repair that breach. He states that reconciliation with God comes only through the work of Christ, as an infinite God must have infinite satisfaction for sin, which only God Himself can provide through His own Son. Nothing less than the righteousness of God Himself will ever satisfy the justice of God. The person and work of Christ are the sinner’s only hope.

ISBN: 9798886861341
Reformation Heritage Books
Product Code: 10101922
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 368
Release Date: 02.07.2024
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