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The Promise of Dawn

The Promise of Dawn


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When Signe, her husband, Rune, and their three boys arrive in Minnesota from Norway to help a relative clear his land of lumber, they dream of owning their own farm and building a life in the New World. But Uncle Einar and Aunt Gird are hard, demanding people, and Signe and her family soon find themselves worked nearly to the bone in order to repay the cost of their voyage. At this rate, they will never have land or a life of their own.

Signe tries to trust God but struggles with anger and bitterness. She has left behind the only life she knew, and while it wasn't an easy life, it wasn't as hard as what she now faces. When a new addition to the family arrives, Signe begins to see how God has been watching over them throughout their ordeal. But after all that has happened, can she still believe in the promise of a bright future?


Products » BOOKS » Fiction » Historical
ISBN: 9780764218965
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10101916
Dimensions: 140 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 382
Release Date: 01.08.2017
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