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Preaching for the Planet

Preaching for the Planet

Sermons on Creation and Climate


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Jenny Wilson’s Preaching for the Planet shares insights into the art of preaching before moving on to examples of her own preaching.

Alongside stories from the scriptures, Jenny's sermons reflect on lives affected by climate change and are interwoven with thoughts from theologians and climate activists such as Pope Francis and David Attenborough. Other sermons are focused on the pandemic, are inspired by poets and artists, and reflect on the life and words of Jesus.

These profound and moving sermons invite readers to know that their stories and the stories of the whole creation are held in the great story of God.

ISBN: 9781789593556
Sacristy Press
Product Code: 10102930
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 226
Release Date: 15.09.2024
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