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Hymns Of Faithfulness CD

Hymns Of Faithfulness CD



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We all know how the great hymns of the past have endured across the generations, yet God's faithfulness stretches out across time itself.

This ten-track compilation brings the two together by selecting some of the most enduring hymns that focus on God s enduring nature.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Blessed Assurance , Love Divine, Rock Of Ages: the greats are all included.

Inhale these essentials a few times a day, and they'll help build up faith in even the most jaded listener.

Track Listing:

1. Blessed Assurance
2. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
3. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
4. How Deep the Father's Love for Us
5. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
6. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
7. And Can It Be
8. Rock of Ages
9. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
10. Love Divine


Products » Music » Hymns
ISBN: 5019282324327
Integrity Music
Product Code: 826014
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 29.08.2015
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