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The Whole Christmas Story

The Whole Christmas Story

Advent Reflections on God's Gift to a Broken World



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The Christmas season with all its glitter and promise can throw our brokenness into stark relief. And our pain is not soothed by the overconsumption of mulled wine and cheese or another set of overpackaged toiletries. Advent offers us the chance to come again to the manger, to sit and wonder at the birth of God’s son Jesus, and to receive his gift of shalom – wholeness, healing and peace. An Advent journey through the Bible, exploring the brokenness of the world and the gift of a saviour to bring healing and wholeness. Advent is a time to remember and reflect on the Christmas story and the baby at its heart. But the virgin birth, the manger, the mysterious eastern visitors and their portentous gifts – all these hint at a much grander narrative. Come and explore the whole Christmas story, and find your place within it.
ISBN: 9780857469410
Bible Reading Fellowship
Product Code: 10062966
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 17.09.2021
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