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Jesus, Day By Day

Jesus, Day By Day

A One-Year, Through-The-Bible Devotional to Help you See Him on Every Page



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This unique 365-day devotional infuses your daily Bible reading with deeper meaning, helping you develop the habit of looking for signs of Jesus woven throughout Scripture while meditating on the Bible with a chronological one-year reading plan. Jesus is the very essence of the Scriptures. The Old Testament points to him and the New Testament reveals him. If we look for him, we will find him on every page and in every story. When reading through the lens of Jesus, we find purpose in the Old Testament sacrifices; pictures of our Savior in the rejection and heartache of Joseph; a future hope pointing directly to Christ in the sweet love story of Ruth and Boaz; and meaning to even the deepest sorrows in Job. This daily devotional will help you learn to recognise Jesus written on every page of God's story. Come along on a journey that will... guide you in reading the entire Bible, chronologically, in one year help you see connections to Jesus throughout the Old Testament deepen your understanding of the themes of Scripture inspire you with 365 daily devotions to strengthen your love for Jesus and intensify your appreciation for God's Word Jesus, Day by Day will bring renewed life to your devotional time as you learn to recognise God's plan of love, mercy, and grace woven through every page of Scripture.


Products » BOOKS » Devotional Books » General
ISBN: 9780735291683
Producer: Multnomah UK
Product Code: 10062950
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 384
Release Date: 17.09.2019
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