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Made to Create with All My Heart and Soul

Made to Create with All My Heart and Soul

60 Worship-through-Art Devotions for Girls



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Retail price:  £13.25
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“You are a wonderful work of art, a unique creation put together by a loving God who has big plans in mind for you!” Paint, doodle, and craft your way to a better understanding of who God created you to be! You’ll learn art concepts and do fun projects with Lauren, an art teacher who wants to show you how to use your God-given talents to worship him! Each day, you’ll read a Bible verse and a short devotion from Lauren, and then you’ll make a work of art that will encourage your creativity and teach you something about your Creator!
ISBN: 9781496431271
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 10062449
Binding: Spiral Bound
Release Date: 08.10.2019
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