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The Reason Why I'm Living This Life

The Reason Why I'm Living This Life



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There is a common misconception regarding those who attend church and have decided to dedicate their lives to God. Believe me when I say, we were not always like this. I do not think people truly grasp where some of us are coming from and what God has saved us from. We have been homeless, lost children, lost parents, drug abusers, drunkards, gang members, heavy smokers, self-harmers, gamblers – you name it, God saved us from it. Some of us had terminal illnesses and were told how little time we had left to live, but God intervened! We just got tired of our lives spinning in circles; the drugs and alcohol seemed to help, but only for a time. So yes, we were in a downward spiral. Irrespective of our race, gender or nationality, we can be saved; we all have a choice. One of the most powerful things God has given to humankind is free will. He will not force you to serve Him; He takes no pleasure in that and neither would you. We all knew something was missing, we just did not know that it was God. It is funny – well, not funny ha-ha, but you know it is mind-blowing when people look at us believing that we were always this way, and you think, If they ever knew! Well, this book is written for you to know. God did not come to save the righteous because if He did, the church would be empty. We all have to begin somewhere, and this is how and where many stories began. The following are personalised accounts of those who shared their experiences.
ISBN: 9781789018905
Troubador Publishing
Product Code: 10063012
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 12.09.2019
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