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Get Preaching: Why Expository Preaching

Get Preaching: Why Expository Preaching



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At its simplest expository preaching is preaching which allows the Biblical text to direct the contents of the message, by which the church grows and flourishes. But why is it so important? In this short book David Jackman explains the motivation behind this method of preaching, gives instruction for putting it into practise, and works through a couple of examples of expository sermons. This book will be a crucial tool for anyone engaged in teaching God’s flock. The Get Preaching series is for all preachers. These short books will help the novice preacher on a course of faithful preaching, the experienced preacher to hone their skills, and preaching groups sharpen each other. However you use this book we hope that it will achieve its twin aims. That you would get preaching (understanding the task at hand) and get preaching (doing more preaching).
ISBN: 9781527103856
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 10063780
Dimensions: 110 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 112
Release Date: 29.07.2019
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