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Introduction to Dogmatic Theology

Introduction to Dogmatic Theology



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Introduction to Dogmatic Theology presents a rare examination of dogmatic theology from an Anglican perspective. Originally published in 1882, Litton’s work holds to the essentials of evangelical faith, while drawing heavily from St. Augustine and the Reformers. Primarily a dogmatic theology, Litton’s work also serves indirectly as a commentary on the 39 Articles, yet is free from the limitations a true commentary would present. It deals with subjects such as faith, Christian theism, the state of man, angels, and the person and work of Christ. Readers will find this book a comprehensive and balanced treatment of Anglican dogmatic theology.
ISBN: 9781683591238
Producer: Lexham Press
Product Code: 10064421
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 336
Release Date: 05.09.2018
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