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Every Good Thing

Every Good Thing

An Introduction to the Material World and the Common Good for Christians



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As Christians, how should we live in this material world? What does the Bible have to say on how we should think about our physical existence? Our perspective on this issue will affect how we conduct ourselves with our families, our workplaces, and our communities. It will shape our relationships, our careers, how we handle our finances, and every other aspect of our lives. In Every Good Thing, David W. Jones explains why we should be concerned with the material world—for our own good, for the good of our neighbors, and for the glory of God. Scripture frequently speaks about issues such as wealth and poverty, work and rest, and creation and stewardship. Jones argues that the material here-and-now is just as important as the sweet by-and-by. God cares deeply about the material realm, and Jesus’ example was one of engagement with, not detachment from, the physical realm. This introductory book covers some of the Bible’s most important teachings on these topics, helping Christians better understand how to live in the material world for the common good.
ISBN: 9781577997016
Producer: Lexham Press
Product Code: 10064508
Dimensions: 127 x 178 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 130
Release Date: 18.05.2016
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