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Might There Be More to Christmas? (Welsh Edition)

Might There Be More to Christmas? (Welsh Edition)



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Tybed oes ‘na fwy i’r Nadolig - mwy i Iesu – nag sy’n ymddangos ar yr olwg gyntaf? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy drwy’r Efengyl hon gan Luc – sy’n eich cymryd ar daith o eni Iesu i Jerwsalem, lle mae’r stori’n cyrraedd ei huchafbwynt, mewn cyfieithiad modern, sy’n hawdd i’w ddarllen (
ISBN: 9780564045570
Producer: Bible Society
Product Code: 10064673
111 x 4 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 72
Release Date: 02.09.2016
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