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Chinese Bible Revised Edition

Chinese Bible Revised Edition



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A Bible in Chinese by the Hong Kong Bible Society. It is suitable for speakers of Mandarin, a group of dialects that has over 1 billion speakers, making it the most widely spoken official language in the world. This bible is a revision of the book “Revision of the Hehe,” which has been used by many pastors and pastoral workmen and Bible scholars for years. It uses a modern universal translation, straight typesetting and modern punctuation and contains scripture notes to help readers understand the Bible. Features: Revised version of original text Keeps the original style Uses modern universal translation Straight typesetting and use of modern punctuation Scripture notes help to understand the Bible Clear layout, beautiful and easy to read
ISBN: 9789622933552
Producer: Bible Society
Product Code: 10064682
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 31.10.2018
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