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Hungarian New Testament

Hungarian New Testament



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Hungarian, also called Magyar, is a language spoken in eastern Europe by about fourteen million people mainly in Hungary, but also by Hungarians in surrounding countries. Hungarian is written in Latin (Roman) letters. Hungary (Magyarorszag) became a Christian state in AD 1000. Part of the Scriptures were first translated into Hungarian in 1416, which was completed by 1441 and known as the Hussite Bible. Károli Gáspár, a Calvinist pastor and the dean of Gönc, published the Hungarian Bible in 1590 in Vizsoly, Hungary, and is known as the Vizsolyi Biblia (Vizsoly Bible). It was revised as the Revised Karoli in 1908, and again in 2003. Bible work is done by the Hungarian Bible Society (Magyar Bibliatársulat).
ISBN: 9789633004104
Producer: Bible Society
Product Code: 10064685
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 21.09.2012
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