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Reforming Journalism

Reforming Journalism



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Is there such thing as “Christian” journalism? What would that look like? In this three-part work, editor-in-chief of World magazine Marvin Olasky (1) lays out foundational principles of journalism, explaining why and how journalism ought to be done, (2) addresses practical, nuts-and-bolts issues such as interviewing subjects, structuring news stories, and responding to complaints, and (3) closes with a historical overview of journalism in the United States. Throughout the book, he points to the example of Christian journalists in China, who courageously continue a nearly three-thousand year history of news reporting in the face of government pressures. You will learn how to be a more discerning reader of news as well as a competent citizenreporter in your own community.
ISBN: 9781629956671
P&R Publishing
Product Code: 10064714
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 241
Release Date: 01.10.2019
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