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Counter Culture Student LeaderKt

Counter Culture Student LeaderKt



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The world is full of injustice and we are often quick to defend social issues that are popular such as serving the poor, orphaned, and enslaved. But there are other issues of morality shaping our culture that are more costly and unpopular for us to combat such as persecution, abortion, and same-sex marriage. The gospel compels us to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and approach every issue with compassion and grace. This video-enhanced Bible study will challenge students to fix their eyes on the glory of God and to counter the culture in a way that points people to Jesus. Kit Includes: Leader Guide Student Guide DVD Features: 6 Sessions.
ISBN: 634337394640
Lifeway Christian Resources
Product Code: 889550
Dimensions: 208 x 231 mm
Hard Cover w/ DVD
Release Date: 03.02.2015
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