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Next-Level Spiritual Warfare

Next-Level Spiritual Warfare

Advanced Strategies for Defeating the Enemy



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Take Back What the Kingdom of Darkness Is Stealing from You! Does it seem as though darkness usually wins when you battle in prayer? Do you feel discouraged to keep on praying when help is slow in coming? God has answers for you, but interfering forces in the spiritual realm could be blocking you from receiving what is rightfully yours. Keying in on two vital areas of spiritual warfare--restoration and retribution--Venner J. Alston reveals strategies for partnering with heaven and engaging in militant prayer. Standing squarely on the foundation of Scripture, she helps you recognize the demonic structures operating against you and use powerful weapons to dismantle them. Prayer is imperative for moving in the authority God has given believers. Learn to overthrow every assignment of hell that comes against you! The enemy is attacking your prayer life. Fight back!
ISBN: 9780800799281
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10065037
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 176
Release Date: 30.06.2019
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