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The Sarah Anointing

The Sarah Anointing

Become a Woman of Belief, Vision, and Hope



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When your faith fails, God prevails. This book will teach you how to live out your nature as an active participant in God’s vision. Sarah was a loyal wife who followed her husband, Abraham, when God spoke to him. Even when Abraham made mistakes, she still called him “lord.” She is an example of a woman with a submitted spirit who responded biblically to her husband without losing her identity. Sarah was an active participant in God’s vision—perhaps too active, as she ran ahead of God and tried to fulfill His covenant in her own timing. She also laughed at the possibility of a miracle. But when God changed Sarah’s name, He changed her nature. The name change linked her to Abraham in co-rulership, including her in God’s covenant promise, which was fulfilled by the couple’s working together. Sarah’s example shows us that God has included women in His purposes and plans throughout history and will include them in the next great awakening. Her life is a positive lesson in faith that breaks personal limitations.
ISBN: 9781629996752
Charisma House
Product Code: 10065198
Dimensions: 127 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 144
Release Date: 05.04.2022
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