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God's Crime Scene Participant's Guide

God's Crime Scene Participant's Guide

A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe



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In this highly interactive and visual participant’s guide to the eight-session video series God’s Crime Scene, renowned cold-case detective and author J. Warner Wallace helps participants engage in the process of applying the forensic tools of a homicide detective to life’s most important question: Does God exist? Custom illustrated by the author, renowned cold-case detective, author, and speaker J. Warner Wallace, this exclusive participant’s guide engages the audience in the “investigation” into whether the universe as we see it just happened or if there evidence of a divine “intruder”—or rather, God? Companion to the eight-part video series, participants will dive into one of the most meaningful and challenging questions: Does God exist? This highly visual guide helps the participant engage with the content so that ultimately they develop an investigative skill set similar to what a detective might use in investigating a homicide.
ISBN: 9780830776603
Producer: David C. Cook
Product Code: 10065335
Dimensions: 178 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 112
Release Date: 30.01.2022
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