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The Heart of Communication

The Heart of Communication



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The ability to connect with an audience is an essential element of public speaking. While an effective presentation can have all the elements of good pace, pitch and body language, it can still leave an audience unaffected or unmoved. Rob Parson believes even the most proficient speakers can enhance their public speaking by focusing on the heart of communication: connection. For the first time, Rob Parsons shares his insights from over fifty years of experience. He unpacks methods that will help any public speaker – from how to prepare well and utilise the power of story, to giving top tips on avoiding common distractions. Readers will come away with a better grasp on public speaking – not only how to speak to the head, but to the heart. Having spoken to over a million people around the world, from multinational organisations to church congregations, Rob has fine-tuned approaches that can help anyone wanting to grow in this area.
ISBN: 9781529373417
Hodder & Stoughton
Product Code: 10065455
Dimensions: 132 x 204 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 19.03.2020
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