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The Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ

The Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ



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In this book, Alan D. Strange investigates the Westminster Assembly and the Westminster Standards to determine whether they affirmed the imputation of Christ's active obedience as necessary for our justification. He also gives a survey of church history before and during the Reformation to see how the Assembly relates to the tradition before it. This study also reflects on the relation of imputation to federal theology, modern challenges to the doctrine, and important rules for interpreting the confessional document. “Alan Strange paints a portrait that situates the Westminster Standards in their historical context and persuasively argues that they promote the doctrine of the imputation of Christ’s active obedience—His perfect fulfillment of the law on behalf of justified sinners. He also surveys recent challenges to the doctrine and explains why they fall short. This succinct book presents a powerful message that gives hope to every Christian—namely, that we receive by grace alone through faith alone Christ’s suffering and perfect law-keeping imputed to us for our justification and salvation.” —J. V. Fesko, professor of systematic and historical theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
ISBN: 9781601787149
Reformation Heritage Books
Product Code: 10065480
Dimensions: 114 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 176
Release Date: 15.09.2019
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