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The Grace-filled Wilderness

The Grace-filled Wilderness

A Journey Through Lent



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The Grace-filled Wilderness connects contemporary encounters of wilderness with the traditional themes of Lent and Jesus' journey to the cross. Introducing a series of 'double-edged' subjects, the author uncovers how these bring us life as well as potentially drain life from us when we fall into them in the wrong way. How we deal with our appetites; what gives us identity; how to live with the freedom and power we hold; ways to overcome the underlying anxiety which is wrapped around so much of contemporary life and faith - all of these are explored in connection with what it means to be followers of Jesus. And as each week progresses from 'wilderness to grace', we move through Lent and Holy Week into the glorious hope of Easter.
ISBN: 9780281080106
The Society for Promoting Chri
Product Code: 10065586
Dimensions: 138 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 19.12.2019
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