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God and Adam

God and Adam

Reformed Theology and the Creation Covenant



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Reformed churches have always been interested in the covenant idea, first the covenant of grace in Christ, but also a covenant with Adam before sin, commonly called the covenant of works. But what the covenant of works really meant in the 17th century, when it became standard orthodoxy, is often very poorly understood today. That ignorance has contributed to modifications which are not always for the better. “I have assigned Rowland Ward’s book “God and Adam: Reformed Theology and the Creation Covenant” for almost two decades in my Covenant Theology courses at Reformed Theological Seminary. It is the best short survey of the history and development of Reformed opinion on the topic and gets the student up to speed quickly. I am delighted to see it back in print again.” Dr. Ligon Duncan | Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology.
ISBN: 9780648539902
Tulip Publishing
Product Code: 10066167
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 262
Release Date: 26.08.2019
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