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Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle

Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle

Honest Conversations about Sexual Integrity



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The authors behind the best-selling Every Man series have put together all the resources and guidance you need to experience frank, thorough, and natural conversations with your son about sexual integrity. They offer an effective new communication process that ensures a deep, abiding relationship between you and your son as he moves into his teen years and beyond. Equip your young man with the biblical information and spiritual insights he needs to stand strong, overcome temptation, and experience the blessings of godly obedience for the rest of his life.
ISBN: 9780307458568
Authentic Media
Product Code: 592496
Dimensions: 130 x 202 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 16.03.2010
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