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ESV Portals of Prayer Devotional Bible

ESV Portals of Prayer Devotional Bible



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Students of God's Word—men and women, young and old—will appreciate this devotional Bible that draws readers to the works and promises of God through the Scriptures, and encourages God's people to live each day in Jesus' name. Portals of Prayer Devotional Bible provides the entire English Standard Version (ESV) translation of Scripture and 700 devotions to encourage readers to dive deeply into the most beloved and significant passage in the Scriptures. As individuals read through the Bible, they will benefit from specifically chosen devotions from Portals of Prayer, a quarterly devotional magazine that has been a favorite of generations on Concordia Publishing House readers since 1937, that will help them unfold important passages and better understand how Scripture is highly application to their lives today.
ISBN: 9780758662446
Concordia Publishing House
Product Code: 10066424
UPC: 012161
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 1552
Release Date: 15.10.2019
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