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Reenchanting Humanity

Reenchanting Humanity

A Theology of Mankind



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The human race desperately needs to see humanity afresh. We have lost sight of the fact that God made mankind and gave them infinite dignity and worth. In this rigorously biblical and theological study of theocentric anthopology Owen Strachan engages with the major questions of the age, on themes like transgenderism, homosexuality and technology. What does it mean be have been made in the image of God, and to be a covenant people, a blood–bought church of sinners who personally testify to the grace of God that has renewed and reenchanted them?
ISBN: 9781527105027
Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 10066468
Dimensions: 156 x 234 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 432
Release Date: 08.11.2019
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