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Lowborn CD

Lowborn CD



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The members of Anberlin started collecting new material at the end of last year. The idea was not to crank out as many songs as possible but to actually focus on crafting solidly good ideas that melded each musician's individual tastes and influences. 'We were really honest with each, probably more so than in the past,' Young says. 'You have to come to a point where, with different opinions, there's no right or wrong. There was a fearlessness which was really freeing and exciting for all of us. To just not have to think about anything else except what's the best thing for the song.' Some of the album's lyrics address the band's end and history. 'I know there are going to be a lot of questions as to why we decided to break up and I explain it all in the song 'Atonement,'' Christian says. 'And I want to make sure that the our fans and friends know that we will always remember them, and the moments spent with them were some of the greatest of my entire life. I tried to convey that in the song 'Harbinger.'' Another track, 'Stranger Ways,' first appeared in demo form in the band's farewell video earlier this year.


Products » Music » Rock
Products » Music » Rock
ISBN: 810488021073
Producer: Asaph
Product Code: 10066678
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 01.08.2014
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