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Faith for Exiles

Faith for Exiles

5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon



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Negative perceptions. Church dropouts. Prodigals and nomads. It's easy to become discouraged by all that's going wrong when it comes to Christianity and the emerging generation. Yet what's going right? In fact, signs of hope are springing up all around. In Faith for Exiles, the author of unChristian and You Lost Me unveils major new Barna research that uncovers what's working--five practices that contribute to resilience. Enter the world of resilient young adult Christians and learn how they are sustaining faith. Finally, you can find hope in all that God is doing among young disciples today.
ISBN: 9780801013157
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10067486
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 240
Release Date: 01.11.2019
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