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Faith in the Fog

Faith in the Fog


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Jeff interweaves the story of his early years, becoming a Christian and being called to ministry with the biblical account of Jesus meeting with the disciples on the beach at Galilee after His resurrection. In his unique insightful way, Jeff reflects on elements of that encounter that readers might not have considered before, such as why didn’t Jesus help out the fishermen earlier, what was the significance of catching 153 fish and how having breakfast together was beneficial for the body and soul. Themes: • How to keep on believing when we cannot see clearly. • Why some Christians still struggle with shame when the Bible tells us of the good news of forgiveness. • The importance of comforting others without resorting to unhelpful clichés. • Recognising that the Christian life might not always be an exciting adventure. Previously published in the USA by Zondervan – Updated and re-edited for the UK
ISBN: 9781789512410
Producer: CWR
Product Code: 10067629
Dimensions: 129 x 197 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 10.02.2020
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