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Love Them Anyway

Love Them Anyway

Ignite Passion, Find Purpose, and Experience Fulfillment by Changing How You See People



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Don’t fight the culture. Transform it. When Pastor “Choco” De Jesús was twelve years old, his Chicago neighborhood erupted in gang violence for three terrible days. On the third day, the mayor called in the National Guard to restore order. When the smoke cleared, only burned-out cars, broken store windows, and hatred remained. Choco felt vulnerable and helpless, and soon he turned to the only source of security, life, and purpose—the love of Jesus. Pastor Choco leads out of this deep well of experience. He knows what it’s like to wonder if you’ll live through the day, and he knows how it feels when someone cares enough to step in and provide care and hope. His church is known for showing compassion to people who are often overlooked—or worse, despised—in our culture: prostitutes, gangbangers, the homeless, and others who feel abandoned. And Pastor Choco’s bold love for people has opened doors and allowed him into the highest offices in the land, including at the White House. Love is contagious. It breaks through defenses and destroys walls that divide us. Love is costly. It requires time, focus, and intention. Love is uncomfortable. It pushes you beyond your preconceived limitations and understanding. Love is hard. It’s not convenient, and it’s not always safe. But love is beautiful. Love is transformative. Love is the answer. So love them anyway. The message of this book will tap into your deepest desires, expose your hesitations, connect you more deeply with God’s love, stimulate your creativity, and help you take bold steps to love the people around you—and your love will change lives. Love Them Anyway is designed for individual study, small-group interactions, and church-wide applications that reach every corner of a church’s local community. This book will help you confront your prejudices, remove fences, and get the gospel to the marginalized.
ISBN: 9781629997155
Charisma House
Product Code: 10067643
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.06.2021


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