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Little Bird CD

Little Bird CD



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With Misty's new album 'Little Bird' (which comes on the heels of 2013's critically lauded Only a Shadow), there's a decidedly different slant towards the singer/songwriter side of this immensely talented artist, and for the first time thus far in her ministry, exposes several shades of deeper reflection. 'Little Bird' has the ability to take flight towards the spiritually thirsty of varying backgrounds that converge at the crossroads of musical and lyrical authenticity. From strictly a sonic perspective, listeners are likely to pick up on noted, independently-minded influences. Add in all-star production from the legendary, 14 Grammy Award-winning / 25 Dove Award-winning Brown Bannister, plus co-production from the Grammy-nominated Paul Moak (The Blind Boys of Alabama, Mat Kearney), and the blend of earthy innovation with analogue experimentation, alongside a vast myriad of subject matter, is nothing short of masterful. "I'm definitely an introvert with a philosophical heart," concedes Misty. "The frailty and purpose of life are what drives me the most, and I've always been so aware of both. I'm captivated by thoughts of eternity, who God is, and I'm very consumed with serving an audience of one. What does He want from me? Living that question leads to so many more, and I'm driven to fulfill His purpose."


Products » Music » Praise and Worship
New Day Distributors
ISBN: 821827000079
Product Code: 10068051
Binding: CD-Audio
Release Date: 01.11.2019
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