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Sex, Love and Relationships Curriculum DVD

Sex, Love and Relationships Curriculum DVD



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Teenagers have been betrayed! They have not been told the whole truth about the consequences of sexual activity, experimentation and permissiveness. Teenagers love Pam Stenzel because she tells it to them straight, mincing no words in showing how the pervasive sexual permissiveness of our culture is a deceptive trap. Every young person should have the benefit of the hard-hitting reality check in this four-part series. Pam's message is helping thousands avoid disastrous consequences of unwise choices. Includes a 48-page leader's guide and reproducible student worksheets in PDF, a public school edition of the program, an abridged version, and Spanish version. Program 1- Physical cost Pregnancy isn't the only consideration. What dangers are youth in from the runaway epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases? Program 2- Emotional cost Sex is more than just an animal act. Your personhood and future are affected by the choices you make, choices that are sometimes tragically made in the heat of emotion and that can never be taken back. Program 3- Spiritual cost Where does God fit in all this? Are there standards that you can look to that provide sure guidance? Is there any hope for those who have already made unfortunate choices? What can be salvaged? Program 4- Making good choices, building character Your character is being formed day by day. How are you giving thought and direction to the person that you want to become? On what basis are you making your key choices? How do you get a hold of your life? Running time 2 hours 15 minutes Region 0
ISBN: 727985007922
Producer: Vision Video
Product Code: 10068223
Binding: DVD
Release Date: 04.11.2019
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