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Hillsong Kids - BIG Follow You Resource Kit

Hillsong Kids - BIG Follow You Resource Kit

Children's Ministry Curriculum



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Hillsong Kids BIG Follow You, is a 13 week learning experience that will take you and your children on a journey to be Devoted to Jesus… Devoted to Prayer, Devoted to His Word and Devoted to His House. Building on from the foundations set by ‘Tell The World’ your children will learn just what it means to be a life long follower of Jesus Christ. This large group/small group children’s ministry curriculum, designed specifically for primary aged children from 5 to 12 years was developed by the Children’s Ministry Team at Hillsong Church. It has been used around the world at Hillsong Churches in Sydney, Brisbane, Capetown and London, in urban, inner city and suburban settings. This 8-disc pack contains: 3 Big Picture DVDs: Big Message video teaching Big Quiz question segments Big Word interactive memory verses Praise and Worship accompaniment tracks Service countdown Game and Ministry time segments Print Material CD-ROM: All print material for each lesson tailored to younger, older and preteen children Graphic design Logos Leaders Training videos CD, DVD, MPEG Library DVD-ROM, and Music Book CD-Rom: 12 accompaniment track videos from “Follow You” with full mix, backing track, and click and backing track files for each song for you to use during praise and worship for the kids.


Products » Music » Childrens Music
Producer: Hillsong
ISBN: 9320428120533
Product Code: 10069665
Binding: Kit
Release Date: 14.11.2011
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