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Heaven Is a World of Love

Heaven Is a World of Love

A World of Love



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Of the many good gifts the Lord has given his church on earth, none exceeds that of his love. The things of this earth are temporary, but “love never ends” (1 Cor. 13:8)—it is a present taste of future glory, made available through communion with the Holy Spirit. In this classic work, Heaven Is a World of Love, Puritan pastor Jonathan Edwards encourages Christians struggling through the imperfect life here on earth to experience the perfect love of God through an exposition of the biblical foundations for the cause of God’s love, the objects of God’s love, the enjoyment of God’s love, and the fruits of God’s love. Each page of pastoral insight will leave readers hungry to experience more of God.
ISBN: 9781433570711
Producer: Crossway
Product Code: 10069989
Dimensions: 108 x 156 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 64
Release Date: 13.10.2020
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