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7 Ways to Find a Calm in the Chaos



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Do you worry a lot? Do you dread upcoming events? Does pressure or stress trigger outbursts of anger, isolation, depression, or feelings of failure? Do you have a hard time finishing what you start? Do you find it impossible to work in the middle of chaos? Do you wonder if God is going to come through for you in difficult times? In Still, Jenny Donnelly shows you how to experience true, life-giving rest even in the midst of chaos. Sharing her own personal story of struggling with life's pressures and emotional exhaustion, she introduces you to the source of peace and rest: Jesus. She shows you the steps to take to access rest any time, any place, under any conditions. And she reveals how operating from a place of stillness powers your identity, creativity, relationships, and so much more.
ISBN: 9780800737177
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10070075
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 07.02.2020
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