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Accidental Allen

Accidental Allen



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"Allan believes he is very unfortunately born: his mismatching eyes, his uncontrollable hair, his satellite dish ears, his old-fashioned name... The icing on the cake is his clumsiness. Everything else about him people agree to be beyond his control but calamities follow him, mishaps surround him and disasters befall anyone crossing his path, earning him a reputation as a nuisance everywhere he goes. Soon after starting Year 6, his clumsiness is mistaken for a deliberate prank, with unhappy consequences. Allan decides he's had enough and makes a Plan to avoid further disasters. But will it work?"


Products » Childrens Books » Fiction
ISBN: 9781788156967
Onwards & Upwards Publishing
Product Code: 10071097
127 x 8 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 108
Release Date: 01.04.2020
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