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1 Corinthians 13 (Individual pamphlet)

1 Corinthians 13 (Individual pamphlet)

The Love Chapter



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Paul’s famous passage on love, 1 Corinthians 13, is often quoted during weddings, but it has a far greater application in today’s world. This beautiful, full-color pamphlet unpacks this meaty chapter without sentimentalism, examining and applying the hard work of loving another human being: a spouse, child, friend, or neighbor. The “Love Chapter” in the Bible is one of the most precious passages of all time. The kind of love portrayed in 1 Corinthians is true love, strong and determined—and it is not for the faint of heart. Understand the teachings and insights in depth to help you grow in your ability to love others with “no strings attached.” Learn how to spot the pitfalls that can sabotage relationships, such as envy, selfishness, and pride. Contains incredible insight for all relationships—marriage, friendship, family, and more! Discusses the differences in the four kinds of love: • Agape (unconditional, God-like) • Philia (friendship) • Eros (pleasure, sexuality) • Storge (gift-love between parents and children) 1 Corinthians 13 includes principles that bring healing and restoration to marriages and families today. This pamphlet is perfect for people who are engaged, married, or caretakers for the sick or elderly.


Products » BOOKS » Tracts » General Tracts
ISBN: 9781628625493
Rose Publishing
Product Code: 10047414
Binding: Pamphlet
Number of pages: 14
Release Date: 02.04.2018
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