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30 Days

30 Days

A Practical Introduction To Reading The Bible



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The Bible has been described both as a manual for life and a love letter from God himself. But how should we read it? Where do we start? How is the Bible relevant to everyday life? Nicky Gumbel has selected thirty fascinating extracts from the Old and New Testaments to introduce reading the Bible and spending time with God. For each day, there is a passage from the Bible accompanied by an explanation of the passage, practical comments relating the Bible to your own life, and suggestions for what to pray in light of the passage. Ideal for those on an Alpha course and others who are interested in exploring the Bible, this book will teach you over thirty days how to get to know God through what he says in the Bible. 'God has given us the extraordinary privilege of knowing him. I hope that by the end of 30 Days you will want to make spending time with God a lifelong habit.' - Nicky Gumbel
ISBN: 9781473692381
Hodder & Stoughton
Product Code: 10051602
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 144
Release Date: 24.11.2011
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