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A Match Made in Heaven

A Match Made in Heaven

A Collection of Inspirational Love Stories



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Sometimes a lost love is found years later and other times divine intervention is the only explanation for A Match made In Heaven! Then as now we find ourselves in a world where news of the spectacular and the sensational often overshadows the small but special moments of greatness, of extraordinary acts by ordinary men and women. Such is the story of a German war bride and an American soldier, or an 85 year old doctor who thought she was only wedded to her work, or a widow with three children and very little money, or a workaholic who couldn't find love right under his on and learn to believe again that life is full, exhilarating and love is all around us.
ISBN: 9781576733936
Producer: Authentic
Product Code: 10043175
136 x 16 x 215 mm
Weight: 326.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.01.1999
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